About NoQu
Ah, you're interested in our humble little program?
Here you can find more information on all things NoQu.
Found on this page:
Mission Statement
Our mission is to supply writers with tools, challenges, and a community to support and grow them as they go on their journey of writing, and to honor God in doing so. After all...
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Part of that will looks like us giving 20% of all proceeds from our store to different writing ministries and groups, once the store is open (this is a long-term goal and we don't have a date for when the store will be up and running yet).
The second way we honor God with NoQu is with the behavior of our community (or Qummunity, as well call it).
NoQu's community is really meant to be the staple of our platform, because our team has grown so much from having a good writing community to support us!
As a result, we strive to make our community a friendly, open, helpful, and supportive one for all people who choose to participate.
You can find more on that in our community guidelines.
The final main way we honor God with NoQu is through the stories we create.
Every story has the potential to be great, to speak truth, to provide comfort, strength, escape, grounding, and so much more.
NoQu's goal is to inspire every writer who participates to make stories with missions. The mission to inspire the reader or to give them hope - things of that nature. For when we make stories like that we are making edifying, honorable, and in quite a few cases, Godly content.
Our Origin
Once Upon a Time, there was a writing program.
This program had so much to offer; fun, competition, community, useful goal-tracking tools, encouragement, aesthetic - you name it.
It was wonderful, but that wonderfulness didn't last, for the program grew gloomy with politics.
Many people left these programs and sought out alternatives, but they were often very niche, inactive, or lacked all the features which these writers were looking for.
What were these lonely writers to do? The year was passing by, and still no new big writing challenge had been presented...
"Well," thought one, "Maybe I could just make one."
And so she did.
Thus NoQu - an alternative writing program built on a Christian and Constitutional foundation but open to all - was born, sometime in October of 2021.
The Challenge
The NoQu challenge is simple: Write at least 49,999 words in 29 days, 1,439 minutes, and 59 seconds during the month of November.
For every week of November, we'll supply you with our Weekly Bulletin, which is a post devoted to picking your brain and giving you inspiration. The Bulletin includes but is not necessarily limited to the weekly word count goal, a dare for the writing process, a question to get you thinking, a prompt to inspire you, and an ambiance that you might like to listen to while writing.
The Bulletin matches NoQu's theme, which will be a different one each November.
More challenges may come as NoQu grows - challenges for the other seasons with other goals. But the "NoQu Challenge" is the one detailed above.
Getting Started
So, have we piqued your interest yet? If so, here’s two things you might consider doing.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Our newsletter is one of our top ways for keeping you updated about all things NoQu. Through it you’ll get updates about the more standard things such as changes to the website, updates on the November challenge, and updates about our book club.
You'll also get exclusive updates about our giveaways! When you sign up for the newsletter, you will be the very first to hear about what giveaway we’re hosting and when we’re hosting it. But shhh, don’t spoil all those details for the rest of the Qummunity!
For more information or to sign up for the newsletter, click here!
Join the Qummunity forums!
Our forums are a great place for coming together as writers for encouragement, fun, and motivation. From games, to writing sprints, to staying up to absurd hours chatting about anything that comes to mind, the Qummunity has just about everything. We also have threads devoted to getting help and critiques for your writing. Plus, the forums are where we hold our monthly book club!
So, do you want to join our super awesome Qummunity? Wonderful! We’re happy to have you. Here’s some instructions to help you get started:
Click here to be brought to our sign up page. From there, click the sign up button, type in what you want your username and password to be, and then put your email address in the final box. Make sure you check the “join the Qummunity” box if you want access to our forums. If you do not check this box, you’ll only be signed up for interacting on our blog.
Once you’ve hit “submit,” your request to join will be sent to the NoQu team. We’ll review the request and, if you don’t look like a spammer, we’ll approve the request and welcome you into the Qummunity with open arms!
Last note: Every September 15th we put out a thread devoted to announcing your NoQu project for that year. You can announce it any time from then to the end of November. So if you're joining us in that window of time, why not get into the writerly season by announcing your project to the Qummunity? We'd love to hear all about it!