Hey QuTs!
This is just a brief update to let you know that the spam situation is being handled (for those of you who don't know, we had a three or four-day troll attack). I've been in contact with the Wix team and we're getting this cleaned up.
In addition to that, more security measures have been added to the sign-up process. That means now all new members will have to be approved of by the NoQu team and that, once they are approved, they will only be allowed to post once a day for the first week of their membership.
Some spam and trolls are bound to slip around these rules, and when they do, we'll simply delete their accounts (and all of their posts with them). Please do continue to report them when you see them - that helps more than you know! I greatly appreciate everyone who's been reporting that as it comes in.
Thanks to these extra measures, the forums are once again open! I had to temporarily disable posting, but now we're back in business!
Thank you so much for your patience with this situation - I know it's no fun to have your inbox pelted with obscenities and spam all hours of the day. (On that note, I'm working on changing the notification settings so that you only get notified of new posts if you request them.)
I appreciate you all, and look forward to seeing you on the forums!
- Edna Pellen
We're glad for all your hard work!