Dear fellow Writer,
The end of November has come at last, and what an eventful retreat we have had. I dare say that we all learned something about ourselves... and about you... within that dreary house's four walls, and within the burden and mystery that every day held.
But now we have left Inkhouse and its drafts, its graves, its foreboding siren call, behind. Even still, I know I will carry that dark silhouette in my mind through the seasons to come. I wonder if, perhaps, this is more than memory - that the house has truly taken up residency in the far reaches of my mind. Planting its dark roots in my brain, coiling them into the network of thoughts and wonders... and horrors.
Though I may suspect, I cannot be sure. For if one thing is proven, it's that you never truly know what lurks behind your own eyes.
Thank you for joining us this November, treacherous though it was. Geata - our own Dark Muse, to whom we owe this year's bulletin - and I hope you had a pleasant stay within the walls of this gloriously gloomy house, and that your writing benefited from our efforts.
As we now enter into NoQuWriCo's off-season, you can expect the blog and socials to return to more general, though less frequent, writing-related content. Please consider still hanging out with us in the forums and Discord server, for though the challenge for this year has ended, NoQu and the Qummunity continue on.
If you are subscribed to our newsletter, keep an eye out for our November Challenge survey. This is your opportunity to support those aspects of NoQu which you most enjoyed, and to promote change to those which you did not. If you are not subscribed to our newsletter, please consider doing so. We don't send out the emails often, only when we have something truly worthy of saying.
For now, let your muse rest. Let it hibernate in the deepest, darkest room of Inkhouse, which now stands in the farthest corner of your mind, ever-present but safely distant, as we enter into this winter season. It will awaken once it's ready to take up the pen.
Let us pray that you will be recovered by then, as well, lest it take over you once more.
Rest well, write often, and may you have a blessed and festive December.
Kind regards,
-Edna Pellen