"It's dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to."
- J.R.R. Tolkien
Hey there, QuT,
Welcome to day one of November - and NoQu!
This is the first installment of our Bulletin of Vibes, the hopefully inspirational compilation of things!
Let's get started.
Word Count Challenge: 1,700
Daily Dare: It's a new beginning - there's no time for looking back! No editing or erasing of any sort for the day, starting when you read this.
Question: If your protagonist could redo their story, how would they begin again? What would their first step back at the beginning be?
Prompt: Your character is brought face-to-face with something that they have never before seen or known of.
Ambiance: As you set off on your new adventure by carriage, the road is peaceful and still, and the woods around you play a soothing, and perhaps inspiring, song.
Are you ready for the adventure that waits just around the bend?
Will you reach the word count goal? Do you accept the dare? Would you like to share your answer to the daily question?
Let us know in the comments below!
Well now, that's all! We'll be back tomorrow with another bulletin for you.
Until then, write on!
can i write ABhOut my shit