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Writer's pictureEdna Pellen

Nov. 11 - New Beginnings - Bulletin of Vibes

"A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back on or from which to look ahead."

- Graham Greene

Hey there, QuT,

This is the next installment of our Bulletin of Vibes, the hopefully inspirational compilation of things!

Without further ado, let's get started. Word Count Challenge: 2,000

Daily Dare: Use the word "acumen" at some point in your writing today.

Question: What is your story truly about?

Prompt: "Today is the day I become something new."

Ambiance: Why not begin today's beginning by walking down a stone path with an unkown destination and letting the world around you speak?

Do you accept the word count challenge? Do you accept the dare? Would you like to share your answer to the daily question? Let us know in the comments below!

We'll be back with another bulletin tomorrow.

Until then, write on!

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