"A good beginning makes a good end."
- Louis L'Amour
Hey there, QuT,
This is the next installment of our Bulletin of Vibes, the hopefully inspirational compilation of things!
Let's get started.
Word Count Challenge: 1,000
Daily Dare: Write an additional 1,000 (this makes your word count challenge 2,000)
Question: What began the world in your story, and how does that affect the course of the story?
Prompt: "You have twenty minutes."
Ambiance: The crisp autumn of yesterday has turned into the biting winter of today. But there is something enchanting about this bitter cold, something alluring about the singing ice and the tinkling of falling icicles.
Perhaps we can find some inspiration here.
Do you accept the word count challenge? Do you accept the dare? Would you like to share your answer to the daily question?
Let us know in the comments below!
We'll be back with another bulletin tomorrow.
Until then, write on!