"Beginning to write, you discover what you have to write about."
- Kit Reed
Hey there, QuT,
Welcome two week two of NoQu! This is the next installment of our Bulletin of Vibes, the hopefully inspirational compilation of things!
Let's get started.
Word Count Challenge: 1,666
Daily Dare: Don't use the word "a" for the entire day.
Question: What began the idea for your story?
Prompt: Take inspiration from this picture for your story.
Ambiance: The snowflakes have melted and now are an icey rain. With any luck, it'll melt the snow and tomorrow's beginning will start off warm. For now, best stay inside.
Do you accept the word count challenge? Do you accept the dare? Would you like to share your answer to the daily question?
Let us know in the comments below!
We'll be back with another bulletin tomorrow.
Until then, write on!