Bulletin 2
Saturday, November 4th
Word Count Goal: 5,000
After days of traveling in the stage coach, you have a pretty good idea of where your manuscript is heading, and your journey is coming to a close.
As the last hours of your trip grind on, you find yourself once again marveling over your new job, wondering what it may entail, and more than anything– why you are the one getting the job.
Give your character something they didn’t earn by themselves.
As your thoughts carry on, the winds rise and rain begins to pelt the sides of the coach. The closer you get to your new home, the darker the sky seems to get. Finally, the stage coach pulls up in front of the newspaper.
The ambiences can be found on our linktree under the NoQu23 Ambience Playlist.
You can just make out the peeling black letters on the sign swinging in the storm– “Black Hill Dispatch.” You steel yourself for the bitter weather before grabbing your trunk. As you wrestle your belongings inside, the wind whisks away your favorite quill.
Sprint to the nearest multiple of 1000 without backspacing.
Who does your main character want to prove themselves to? Does the story show this to be a good or bad motivation?
“The Cowboy Code is simple – be tough, be honest, be fair.”
– Unknown