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October is Here! - NoQu Updates & Announcements

Writer's picture: Edna PellenEdna Pellen

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Hello hello!

Welcome to October! It's finally time to start preparing for the NoQu November challenge (well, finally time for you to - I've been preparing since the last week of September or so).

To help you settle into the month and get prepared to be prepared for November, here's some updates about how NoQu will work this year.

October Posts

I had wanted to pre-write a bunch of posts on prepping for NoQu and to get some bloggers to guest-post their own processes, but unfortunately time escaped me.

That being said, posts this month are going to be very wibbly-wobbly. I do intend to do at least three posts (spaced throughout the month) on prepping. These will include the November theme announcement post, a post on a list of writing resources, and a (suggested) check list of things to help you prepare for the month (all of these posts are in no particular order yet).

Ideally we'll get more than that posted this month, but we'll just have to see!

The Bulletin will be Weekly

First of all, yes, we're just calling it "the Bulletin" now (I'm sorry to anyone who may have grown attached to the "Bulletin of Vibes" - it was temporary to begin with and just didn't fit NoQu very well).

The Bulletin will be sort of weekly, for the sake of us calling it "The Weekly Bulletin," but you may actually get two a week as opposed to one.

Why the change?

I'm glad you asked. Here's a few reasons.

  1. This makes the daily word count a weekly word count, so you have a weekly goal to work towards instead of a daily one (the idea being that if you fall being you've not failed a daily count, you just haven't reached the weekly one yet!). I find this to be a better use of the word count and believe it will be more helpful to the Qummunity as well.

  2. This makes it so you QuTs don't feel pressured to include a dare and/or prompt in your writing every single day (and so that those who don't normally do the dares or prompts may be more inclined to do so now ;D). I think (and hope) that this will help spice up the week a little.

  3. I can't write all 30 bulletins on time. It's surprisingly hard to find a unique quote, ambiance, prompt, question, and dare for every single day of the month. I tried to pre-write the bulletins but I just couldn't get enough of them together for every single day. But once to twice a week I can definetly manage!

The short of it is: It's easier for all of us to keep up on it without feeling the pressure of falling behind on another thing (we'll be doing enough of that in November, after all).

The November Theme

This year we are doing a theme that leans more into a specific aesthetic than last year. Last year was a topic ("New Beginnings") and could fit various styles and genres without affecting the writer too much. This year, however, I'm wondering if the theme will lean too much in a specific direction for it to be enjoyable to all writers.

We're going to roll with it and see how it goes, but I want to hear back from the Qummunity on this. If you like the more specific themes, if you don't, or if you're indifferent, you can let us know in a survey we'll send out in the beginning of December (you will also be able to let NoQu know how you like the new posting schedule for the Bulletin).

Last Note - A December Survey

In the first week of December, NoQu will be sending out a survey to everyone who's signed up for the monthly newsletter. This survey will be about the Qummunity's experience with NoQu this year, what you liked and disliked, what worked and what didn't, what you would like to see more of, all such stuff.

But once again, this will only be sent out to those signed up for the newsletter. So if you want to give your feedback, please make sure you're signed up!


That's all, folks!

That's everything for now! Thank you for sticking to the end of the post (or for skimming and/or skipping to the end).

Are you excited for Not Quite Writing Month? Are there any specific prep posts you'd like us to put out? *Would you like to guest post this month? Do you have any thoughts on the above updates? Drop a comment and let us know!

We're excited to spend this November with you in a chaotic whirl of writing and pretending to write! Until then,

Write on!

*Well actually if you want to guest post don't drop a comment, instead head over to this thread to let me know!

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