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Bulletin 8 | November 25th, 2023

Bulletin 8

Saturday, November 25

Word Count Goal: 38,333

“I think I see it up ahead!” Your cousin calls back to you. Sure enough, as you round the bend, the old supports of the mining entrance rise out of the hill.

The two of you slide off your horses and tie them to the old hitch outside. The wind hurls another cloud of grit in your face and you slip inside the mind quickly to avoid getting a mouthful of it.

Hide something from your character.

Your cousin lights a lantern as you enter the Old Mine. It’s dank and cool in there, surrounded by the stone walls. You think you might hear some far off dripping as you move farther down.

The ambiences can be found on our linktree under the NoQu23 Ambience Playlist.

As you make your ways through the twisting corridors, a glowing haze begins to appear around a corner. You move closer to find a room fully lit by lanterns. Then, everything goes dark and you slump to the floor.

Attempt to write 500 words in 5 minutes.

How does your character respond when they discover the truth they have needed to learn all along?

“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. It hopes we’ve learned something from Yesterday.”

– John Wayne

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